Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Slight Set-back

So Sunday night, the night of Father's Day, I went for my 45 minute run at the track. I decided to run a 10 minute easy warm up, stretch, then run sprint intervals. All went well and I even broke through the wall and felt good toward the end on the warm down run. However, the next day (which was yesterday) I woke up with some serious calf pain in my left leg. I have no idea where it came from and I have no idea what I did to cause it, but it definitely feels like an injury rather than just a cramp. Luckily, I only had our Monday weight lifting so I didn't have to run yesterday. However, today I woke up and the pain is still very much there - even after icing and stretching yesterday.

Today, Troy and I rode for 45 minutes on the bike and we're supposed to do 15 minute run. But with my leg in this shape, I've decided to lay off of the running until the pain goes down and double up on the bike. So I'll end up doing another ride this evening to replace the run I was supposed to do. I guess this is how the real triathletes adjust when dealing with injury. This is the only way I know how to deal with it other then not doing anything and, for me, that's not an option at this point.

Troy's still sticking with the training and seeming to still enjoy it. He's slowly and steadily still losing weight and, for the most part, really staying true to the training schedule. Yesterday he felt a bit sick and instead of going to the gym to lift, he ended up riding for 40 minutes. I was slightly impressed because he could've actually had an excuse to do nothing.

This morning, Troy also (I was just told) knocked out a brick! I'm jealous that he got to do that and I couldn't because of my calf. I'm just going to listen to my body and let it heal so I don't worsen things by trying to over do it. Updates to follow.

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