Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Run Instead of Bike

Yesterday was Troy's 38th birthday and it turned out to be a really bad one for him. He lost his wallet and had to cancel all credit cards and all the hassle that goes along with that. I felt bad for him. Consequently, he didn't get to get his run in yesterday and was going to get it in today after he gets to North Carolina. Hopefully, he'll be able to stay on his training schedule minus the biking.

Also yesterday, I didn't get a chance to do a blog update due to being too busy with work and carting around teenagers for activities. I wouldn't have it any other way. I love being able be around my girls and their friends and love that they feel comfortable enough to come to the house to hang out where it's safe and away from trouble. Well yesterday I was able to get in my allotted 45 minutes of running but today I was supposed to ride for 40 minutes. However, it rained really hard here so that put a damper on any type of ride. So I waited out the rain then slapped on my running shoes and went for a 40 minute run. Tomorrow I will replace my run with a bike ride and I'll be even.

The calf seems to be healing up although not as quickly as I would like. It's still a bit sore when I run, but I'm purposely taking it slower as to not further injure it.

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