Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The M-Doub

It's Tuesday and today called for a 45 minute run. Well, between my slight calf injury and a massive blister on my foot, I decided to go on a bike ride for an hour. I averaged just under 19 mph which is not bad considering I was alone on the ride with no one to draft off of. At any rate, it was a gorgeous day and the temperature was around the mid 80's at 5:30.

I haven't spoken to Troy in the past couple of days so I don't know where he is on his training. I have to admit, I haven't felt very motivated to train for the last 2 days. However, I somehow made it through and forced myself to get a workout in. I've felt better for doing so, but even still, I really haven't wanted to train. Maybe it's due to knowing that Troy's been out of town and I know that I don't have anyone pushing me. . . or it could be other extenuating circumstances.

Whatever the case, the training must continue! Life is a competition and I really want to win. Right Mike?

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