Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Physical & Spiritual Workout

I must admit, today was a crappy day to say the least. It started out okay and worked its way downward as the day grew older. It was one of those days where you have everything planned out the way it should go in the most efficient way and then everything gets up-ended and completely thrown for a loop. That was my day. As a result, it turned out to be very unproductive on the working side but very productive on the training side. I got my run in and then tonight I knocked out the weight training portion with Troy. Here's where the day ended on an extreme high note. After Troy's and my workout, we had a men's bible study that Troy has started with four of our close friends. The guys consisted of: Jeff W., Aaron B., Scott B., Mark S., Troy, and myself. We had an amazing time and it was at this bible study that I realized that the Lord was trying to tell me something in the events of today. It was; lean solely on Him and allow Him to do his work. You see, I feel that God places no expectations on His children. All He wants from us is intimacy and fellowship with Him. That's a lesson, in my controlling nature, that I had to learn the hard way. And in the Lord's soverignty, he gently allowed my day to end on a high note in fellowship with Him. Thank you Lord for your never-ending grace!

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