Monday, July 7, 2008

Our Own Private Gym

As with every Monday, our schedule calls for just weight training. However, because I didn't get my full workout in yesterday, I decided to do extra by knocking out a 30 minute swim. It felt good, but I have to admit that I was a bit fatigued in the swim because of just finishing with the weights. Speaking of weights, Troy and I decided to take our workout to a guy that I personally train named Scott Brickell. He's been a long time close friend of both of us and was even in Troy's wedding. Anyway, he's built a pimped-out work out area in his house basement and literally is like going to your own private gym. It pretty much has everything that you can do at any regular public fitness club. Check out his website and what he is in to. It's quite unique and interesting. There's a whole other culture out there! It's called Brick's 4x4 Farm.

Troy and I are at Scott's personal gym when I filmed the above video update.

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