Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Spotting the Unicorn

First, I want to start by getting the business out of the way. Big E is now gone and the creative weekend is over (and what a weekend it was!). I'm now back to my regular training routine and am really ratcheting that down these last 4 weeks. I'm shooting for being in the best shape of my life! Shouldn't be a problem.

Now for a rare moment of transparency (which is truly rare). I'm posting this at a time when I currently haven't done my training for the day due to the "unusualness" of the day's schedule. It's Tuesday and I've just dropped off Big E at the airport. Normally, that's not a big deal because we've been best friends for almost 9 years now. However in all the times that we've been together throughout the country, this time was different. God opened my eyes to something that I've been closed to for far too long and that is the physical view of what true friendships and relationships are all about. This weekend was that eye-opener for me. You see, E came into town to work on some specific things that pertain to music and we had a clear vision and direction of what we wanted to accomplish - and we did that. But E was here for more than just music. Unknowingly, E came here for me because he's selfless and truly loves me for who he knows Todd to be. It really hit me today that Big E needed me to know, in all of our macho athletic bravado, that he's here with me and for me and just wanted to love on me through a very difficult situation. That means far more to me than any hit song, any cool athletic event, or any Nike hookup! That is the fruit and manifestation of what it means to love someone and to truly be their friend.

I sit here a broken and humbled man, but a very blessed man as well. I've been through some tough times, but it's through these times that God has really revealed himself to a hard headed self-centered idiot such as myself. The Lord has allowed me some trying times but it's through these times that He's purposefully put people in my life that normally may not have been there to reveal more of His glory. I'm lucky to have men in my life that I know will be there and stand in the gap for me. Particularly guys like Big E and, most of all, my brother. It's through these two and other close personal relationships that God shows me that I can make it and I'll be a better man on the other side of this. It's through these people that He speaks to me. For that, I'm a blessed man in so many ways.

Now back to training.

1 comment:

Kevin Sparkman said...

Well said in every way...

And my favorite line: "shouldn't be a problem"