Monday, September 15, 2008

The Monday Brick

Okay, I think I've somewhat figured something out with myself. I think I'm finding a direct correlation between how fit I am and how high my stress level currently stands. Let's just say I'm pretty darn fit right now! I find great comfort and peace in going out and training. It truly levels out some of the stress within me. I'm not sure if it's spiritual, the endorphins, or what. I'm certainly not a sports scientist, but I have a feeling it's a combination of the two. I had a great talk with the Lord today on the bike and we worked some things out. He allowed me to have a good and intense workout while He seemed to be speaking to my spirit. It was quite encouraging.

At any rate, I had a good workout and was pleased with the result of my achilles situation after my bike AND a short 15 minute run. It doesn't seem to be bothering me like it did in the past, so I'm hoping that if I continue to go slow and ease back into the run portion, hopefully it won't bother me.

I haven't spoken to Troy today but I know he's extremely busy this week and I don't know what he's going to be able to fit in this week either. I do know that he's got a 40 minute run and weight training scheduled for today, so hopefully he'll get that in this afternoon or tonight. We'll see.

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