Monday, September 1, 2008

The 60 Mile Struggle

It's Labor Day and because it's a holiday, I decided to go on a long ride. Our scheduled training regimen calls for a 40 minute run and strength training. With me still not being able to run, I decided to do a very long ride this morning. I wanted to test my fitness and endurance on a ride I had done at the beginning of the summer which was the Harpeth River Ride. In the end, I was pleased. My fitness felt good, I'm not too sore, I'm not too exhausted, and I didn't struggle with my hydration. I think we've got the hydration and nutrition thing somewhat figured out for the long workouts. It definitely wasn't a problem on the ride today. Overall, I was quite pleased with where I am fitness-wise.

Troy has yet to knock out his training for the day (as of 3:00 pm), but says that he's getting in his 40 minute run tonight. I don't know what he's going to do about the weight training aspect though. Probably nothing, save some push-ups and maybe some sit-ups. It's been a while since we hit the weight room and I can tell in my strength, so I'm sure that the same goes for Troy as well.

Progress is good overall and I'm pleased with where the both of us are on the training path. It should be good once it gets closer to the Suncoast Triathlon. I'm looking to better my time overall, so I'm going hard!

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