Monday, September 22, 2008

The Great Run

I'm currently sitting in my studio listening as Big E doodles around on the piano to find something that he likes to put into a song that we're creating. The creative process is an interesting thing. It comes and goes at it's own discretion. I liken the process to being like cats. Cats seem to come and go and do exactly as they please on their own time. There's no forcing a cat to do anything it doesn't want to do. That's the same with the creative process. You can't force it and sometimes that can be frustrating - especially when you're bound by schedules. It is what it is.

This morning, E had a meeting with a friend of mine so I took that opportunity to steal away some running time to test out the achilles tendon on a longer run. As you can tell from the video, it felt great and gave me no problems thus far. I'm hoping I won't feel any after effects or soreness tomorrow, but we'll just have to see. The run was great. The weather was perfect, my wind was fine and the legs didn't get too fatigued. It was one of my better runs in recent memory. Plus, it was at a moderate pace, so that may be the key. I averaged an 8:20 mile over 4 and a half miles. Not blazing speed, but it's a long race - not a sprint!

Troy's due for a run today as well and we're both supposed to lift weights today. I honestly don't know how feasible that's going to be for me with E being in town and us working in the studio. Troy and I both may just have to get some push ups and sit ups in for the day. It won't be the first time.

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