Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Supposed Rest Day

My day started out at about 4:45 a.m. with a text from Troy saying let's not do the 5:30 swim. That meant that I didn't have to wake up at 5:00 to get going. I was fine with that and the extra sleep that came with it. After getting my oldest twin off to school and a morning meeting, I finally got to get my 40 minute run in. It was desperately needed! Today has been one of those days that I would rather just restart or not have actually started by getting out of bed to begin with. Along with the everyday stresses of a situation that's already tough, I received some news to compound the issues. I know this is all part of a season, but sometimes it seems that the season refuses to change.

Like I mentioned earlier, my run was greatly needed to do some thinking and relieve some stress. It turned out to be very therapeutic. I ran 4.2 miles in just under 40 minutes which is slow for me. However, I'm still concentrating on being very careful with my achilles tendon problem and was also dealing with some residual soreness from my Monday run. So far, everything seems to be on track and I'm really trying to ramp up the intensity to my workouts the closer it gets to the Suncoast Tri.

Troy is using today as a rest day (as he should be) because every Wednesday is our day that we take off of training. That happened to be yesterday for me due to Big E being here and getting him off to the airport and such. The day was just out of whack for getting in some training so I decided to switch the off days for this week.

Thank you Lord for my health. Without it, I think I'd go insane.

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