Sunday, September 21, 2008

An Overcast 42

As I write this, It's 1:30 a.m. and most normal people are in bed at this hour. Not me. I'm awake in my studio writing songs with my best friend Big E. He's in town and while he's here we decided to make this a music trip for him and me. I'm currently typing the entry for this blog and E is playing piano as we search for our next creative song idea.

Troy has been dying for me to get this post up all afternoon and I'd been meaning to. I just simply haven't had the time. We've been in constant "creative" mode all day and only now have I had the chance to get up to date on the training blog.

This morning was a super tough day to get up at 6:00 on a Saturday for. It was overcast, a bit drizzly, and a little on the cool side. In other words, a perfect day to sleep in. Not to mention, I had stayed up with Big E working on songs until about 1:30 in the morning. Believe me, it was tough to wake up. However, I did it and Troy and I embarked on our Saturday ride - only this Saturday was a 42 miler. I've gotta say, Troy's performance on the bike was definitely the best I've seen from him since we started this journey. In a nutshell, Troy climbed every hill and stayed consistent with his cadence and speed the full 42 miles. That's something he's never done. And on top of that, he never once got off of his bike to walk up some of the steeper climbs that we have throughout the course. He did, by far, better today than I've ever seen him since putting on bike shoes! I was thoroughly surprised and impressed. Troy's getting stronger, faster, and (most importantly) thinner. He's now to the skill level on the bike that he can actually beat me handily on a downhill. That's NEVER happened, yet he's consistantly doing it - especially today!

Keep it up T and keep bangin'! And by the way. . . Happy Birthday Dad! We love you! :-)
Your Boys.

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