Thursday, September 11, 2008

Another Morning Swim

This morning was another one of those God-awful early morning workouts with Troy. I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to be in the water by 5:45. Troy, of course, met me at the swim complex and we commenced to going through a 40 minute swim and kick/drill workout. It was good, but Troy and I both agreed that we're starting to not have as much trouble doing a continuous 40 minute swim as we used to. It looks as though we're going to have to up our duration in order to continue to push ourselves. 

Now it's on to work in the studio and hopefully a ride late this afternoon.

I haven't been able to post video for the last few days because my camera is being borrowed by my girls' mom. I'll get it back soon and be back in the "movie-making" business.

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