Saturday, September 13, 2008

Saturday's New Recruit

Troy and I woke up this morning at 6:00 a.m. like we normally do on Saturdays for our 22 mile ride. However, this morning was a bit different in that we had a guest come with us. His name is Mark and he used to work with Troy. He's been wanting to come out and ride with us for a while now and finally made it out. It was nice having another person out there to converse with and for a bit of a change. We had great fun and hopefully he'll come out with us again in the future.

Troy had a small victory today in that he climbed a very steep hill today and made it 3/4 of the way up the hill. That's much farther than he's ever been up that same hill. It's a hill that we've affectionately named "Deliverance Ridge". We named it that for two reasons. 1. The people that live that far out in the country are very back woods and it looks like we're riding through deliverance country. 2. When you reach the top and you realize that the climb is then behind you, you get a feeling of being delivered! Troy's next serious ride, I'm confident that he'll make it all the way to the top without walking any portion of it.

It's cool to see Troy's confidence level continue to rise as he gets more fit. I can see that he's starting to realize that he can swim, bike, and run with just about anyone. When he gets to his target weight, it's going to be scary!

Thanks to all the many readers and voyeurs who have given us encouragement or left comments here. We certainly appreciate all of you (what few there may be).

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