Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Saturday 22

This morning I woke up at 6:00 am to get in our weekly Saturday 22 mile ride. However, I had to do this all by myself. Troy is having a little problem with his left glute muscle. He's not real sure how he tweaked it, but to him it's painful and he's trying to be cognizant of not doing more damage to it yet still allowing it to heal and be able to train. I know it's frustrating for him. I deal with the same crap. However, it's part of the process and it's something that has to be dealt with by every athlete.

Today was a very enjoyable ride - even though it was alone. I had a good amount of quiet alone time with my thoughts and prayers and was granted an extra dose of peace from the Lord. Throughout this process, I know and have faith that the Lord will protect me and my family and keep them safe and cared for. This I know and am thankful. Triathlon and its training has, in many ways, saved my life!

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