Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Night Time Swim

We're currently getting a ton of the residual effects of that hurricane Faye that past through Florida. That doesn't make for very good training weather outside. Nor does it really get your spirits high to do anything physical. For the past two days, I've really struggled to make myself work out and stay on my schedule. With work in the studio and the pressure that's going along with that, combined with what's going on outside, I haven't wanted to train at all! I've even toyed with wanting to just throw in the towel and do NOTHING! However, I don't want to let down Troy and I know the longer I stay with this, the more benefits I well receive long-term - both physically and spiritually.

Today ended up being pretty productive on the training side. With being in the studio all day and pressured by the deadlines, I managed to sneak in 45 minutes in the pool as I was picking up Shelby from swim practice. It felt good and it was extremely cathartic. However afterward, I cheated by Shelby and I treating ourselves to a huge monster burger from Hardee's! It was so magnificent and tasted so wonderful! Why do all the bad foods taste so freakin' good? It's just not fair!

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