Friday, January 30, 2009

The Centennial Park/Swim Meet Run

Today was a day spent all day in downtown Nashville. Shelby and Taylor had a regional high school swim meet, and I happily took them to the Sportsplex to watch them and spend the day there. Those types of meets and days are extremely long, arduous, and time consuming. However, I'd do it for the girls every day if I had to. After their teams warm-ups in the morning while waiting for the actual meet to start, I decided to walk across the street to do some running in the beautiful Centennial Park. The weather was in the low 30's which made for a very cold run but it was sunny and clear. I bundled up in my cold weather running gear and off I ran. It was a beautiful day and after the hour of running I felt pretty good considering I haven't run in almost a week. I must admit however, I'm a bit sore now after running 6 miles. It's a good sore though.

Not much "spiritual connection" today as I listened to a bunch of podcasts on my head phones. It was a nice diversion and escape.

Looking forward to doing some training this weekend if the weather permits. One can only hope!

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