Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Boring Sunday Spin

Nothing much to report training-wise outside of just getting in a pretty good 60 minute stationary spin indoors. It was very uneventful and super boring! Thank God for music! I would've wanted to die if I'd had nothing.

Still trying to be diligent about my training and I'm still very connected to the spiritual aspect of the mental escape. I, once again, found myself in a different mental state once I was well into the indoor spin. It simply amazes me what happens mentally, spiritually, emotionally, etc. Maybe there's something chemical that happens within the body. I DO know that major amounts of endorphins are released and that may have something to do with it. I don't really know, but it IS fascinating and I look forward to my "spiritual" time alone.

I think Troy is getting back to a place where he's wanting to jump back in, but I'm not sure. He's expressed interest and I'm hoping that he is wanting to again get going - for none other than his personal health. He'll be back. I know it and I can feel it. It just has to be on his timing and willingness.

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