Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sweating It Out

Have been sick and trying to fight it with real oranges, water, and Gatorade. Shelby is sick as well, yet we both went to her Meet of Champs swim meet so she could swim and I had to work. Bad mistake! It only made things worse for the both of us! I feel so bad for her. She seems to have gotten the worse end of the stick.  As for me, I'm struggling with the achiness and fever but nothing compared to little Shelb. I still didn't learn my lesson. I figured I'd try and sweat out some of the toxins by getting in a 60 minute stationary ride. Again, bad mistake! Guess I'm just going to call it a night and try and sleep all this crap off. Not much else to report.

Convicting verse that I just read. Jeremiah 29:11-15

The above Picture is of my sweet little Shelby swimming the 400 IM. She didn't do as well as she normally does. She was really struggling from being sick and feeling weak.

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