Sunday, December 28, 2008

Descending Into Greatness

Today is not about training, working out, physical fitness, or any of that sort. Although later today, I do plan to get a light spin in. Today is about contemplation. You see, it's very quiet around here. I've decided to give up my television for a good while since all it seems to do is take up needless time when I could be focused on other things. Therefore, the only things to do around here is to listen to music, workout, read, and think - and I say that from a positive perspective. The thing is, I feel God is continuing to strip me of myself. Again, I look at this as a positive and not a negative.

Case in point: I woke up late for church this morning for some unknown reason and because I really have had a longing to be in church and hear the word, I promptly jumped on the computer and logged in to listen to the sermon live. Anticipating our Pastor Steve Berger's sermon, I realized that there was going to be a guest speaker. I was a bit bummed to say the least because I love hearing our pastor speak. At any rate, I stayed tuned in and before I could realize, I was completely enthralled with the message because I felt it was directed at me. The message was about descending into greatness as Jesus did while he was on this earth. It was very convicting and contradictory to what our society teaches. It was exactly what I needed to hear after this past weekend. Some of the things that stuck out to me were:

- Take what you've been given and do something with it that lightens someone else's load, and brightens someone else's life.

- The only way to keep what you have is to give it away. The only way to gain wisdom is to give it away.

- Christianity is the only major religion which has as its central event the humiliation of its God.
Bruce Shelly

All of this hit a bit too close to home and really spoke to me in a major way. Thank you Lord for the healthy conviction.

This message can be heard here via audio or video.

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