Friday, December 12, 2008

Fun Fridays!

I'm freakin' sick of this cold weather crap! I'm so ready to get out and run and bike! I feel like a caged animal trying to break away. It's so arduous to sit on the incumbent bike for a whole hour and not go anywhere. Granted, I can watch tv while I'm spinning, but it's not the same thing to be able to be outside riding the back roads and see the scenery change. Same goes for the running. I never thought I'd miss it, but I guess I've reached that point.

It has been snowing, extremely cold, and certainly not conducive to training out doors. I'm sick of it! I'm ready to live in an all-season area of the country but that's not realistic. So with that in mind, I have to make the best of my situation and keep myself in some assemblence of good shape or I'll be suffering come late March for the Natchez Tri.

I have no idea if Troy is still going to be a part of the reigndeer games, so I continue to trudge along on my own and try to stay self motivated - which is the toughest part. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully, I'll be able to get in a nice long run. We shall see.

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