Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday Easy Run

Today's temperature is supposed to get as high as 70 degrees! However, tomorrow there's a cold front moving back in so I wanted to make sure that I got in a nice easy run workout while the temperature wasn't God-forsaken cold! I decided to do another 4 mile run and ran the course in the opposite direction than what I normally run just to make things interesting and mix things up a bit. I deliberately ran at a slower and easier pace than I did yesterday because I have the tendency to go a bit too hard and my mind wants to do things that my body is not ready for. Therefore I had to mentally prepare myself to go easy so I wouldn't feel the after-effects in subsequent days. I am having to continuously tell myself to ease back into getting your running legs back - even though I mentally want to go out hard every time. This, I know, is to alleviate future injuries and unnecessary tax on the body. Believe me, I'm learning. Plus, I have plenty of time to get everything back into even better shape than I was last tri season. I know my areas of weakness now and I know where I can improve and get even better. It'll happen. This is a marathon, not a sprint!

I have no idea where Troy is in all of this process. He seems content to be where he is with his fitness, training, and current situation of having a baby on the way. I'm not pressing him and he knows that I'm still out there training and trying to get it done. He'll be back I'm hoping. Especially when cycling season rolls back around. I feel like he is too into that to just let it go by the wayside.

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