Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Lazy Tuesday

Today was one of those "good intention" type days. By that I mean, I had every intention to do something totally different than what my final outcome was. This morning I was going to get up with the twins (as usual) and take them to the swim complex for their practice while I get in a training swim of my own. That didn't happen! I took the girls to practice, and instead of staying to swim, I dropped them off and drove back home to sleep for another hour or so. Out of guilt for not staying and swimming like the twins do, and guilt for not training at my allotted time, I woke up and forced myself to go for a short 20 minute run. The run was short but intense at a relatively quick pace. I still feel as if I should have stayed a swam, but oh well.

I guess the reason for this personal lethargy so close to our race is due to the weather. The weather has slipped into the fall stages where the leaves are turning colors and the temperature is a brisk cold at night and in the mornings. That makes for a lazy demeanor. . . at least in my case. This morning was especially difficult due to the added overcast and rain in the forecast. It was tough making myself do anything physical related. Plus, Troy is feeling under the weather and sick so I knew that he wouldn't be training today. Therefore, I knew I wouldn't have that accountability that I so highly lean on to push me.

The end result was that I forced myself to do something and pushed through the "lazy" wall. And in the end, that's the stuff that'll pay dividends come race time.

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