Friday, October 17, 2008

A Bit Cold

Today is Friday and I've got to be honest, I don't feel like doing CRAP today! Therefore, I'm not going to train at all today. I haven't had a rest day this past week, so today is the day. It's rainy and cold outside and it's one of those days that one doesn't feel like leaving the house for anything. However, I have a job and responsibilities and I'm off to tackle them. It's Friday, my favorite day of the week and I'm going to enjoy the "laid-backness" of it.

Weekend here I come! Going to train hard Saturday and Sunday.

Update from the Big Man T:

The Tri up Hi-O
Ok, it’s me, the guest writer again. I have to say that I appreciate Todd more and more for doing this part each day. I write about 3% of these (if that) and I’m this far into the entry and already lamenting it. Nevertheless, I trudge on!  We’re about a week away and I’m in Ohio right now with my wife and children visiting her family for fall break. Except for my father-in-law who hates me (and most other people too), I enjoy my time with all of her relatives. It’s nice and cool up here right now. I woke up and had breakfast today, checked a few emails, put on my “gear” and was then off for a 40 minute run through a neighborhood I’ve never seen before. I wasn’t interested in breaking my neck for a world record time or anything. I just wanted a nice brisk run under the cool overcast day and to think about all that God has done for me and the love and grace that He has given me. Truly, I am a blessed man. As Todd and I set our eyes to next week, it’s important that we truly try to fine tune our bodies and minds in preparation for our 2008 closing event. I’ll tell you this. Running is still my weak link, but not Todd’s. I can see a look in his eye that the “jogging monster” will NOT get him this time around at the Triathlon. I’m quite curious to see how well he finishes. The being sick thing last week really set me back, but I’m hoping that a diligent 10 days prior to the event itself will prove to be an effective element to help me bounce back and be ready to roll in earnest. I love training up here. The colors have all changed and it’s a beautiful time of year and a good reminder of the glory of God’s personal paint brush. I’m glad I’m not the one in charge! To God be the GLORY!

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