Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Bit Antsy!

Okay, so I'm a bit antsy. I told Troy and myself I would take a week off to rest before off-season training began. Well, I guess I lied. This morning, I had to take Shelby to swim practice at 5:00 a.m. That meant we had to wake up at 4:30 to get going. I figured that I had to be there anyway to take her to school afterward, so why not get in a workout. It felt quite good to get back into it after a few days of recovery. The workout was deliberately not very intense. Just a nice "get back into the swing of things" type of deal. I swam for 40 minutes then got out and had a light upper body weight workout. It was nice.

Training in the off-season will be more geared toward building strength through weights rather than an in-season type of endurance regimen. Troy and I will do a lot of weight training, treadmill running and sprints, recumbent bike, and some other cross-training types of things. Just a lot of different stuff to keep us interested and motivated and keep the winter fat at bay. Troy's still steadily dropping weight and I want to make sure that we stay diligent in our fitness routine especially through the holidays. That's where you can lose it the quickest!

Still looking for that first triathlon to put on the schedule so we have something to shoot for. We haven't decided yet. However, the countdown will begin soon!

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