Friday, October 10, 2008

Freaky Friday

I called today Freaky Friday because today consisted of the two extremes of a really good day, and a really bad day all wrapped into one nice little package. It was good from a standpoint that I got a lot of work done at the office interfacing with various staff to continue to get plugged in to their "system". Much was accomplished and I'm feeling very confident in my building role and my relationships with the current staff. That was the good part that consumed the majority of my day.

However, . . . the back part of the day was littered with some devastating and tough news that has really put me back. No need to expound on it. It's something that will naturally work itself out anyway and I just have to stay reminded that all of this - everything - is in God's hands. He will do with this situation what He feels is the best and I am trying to stay faithful in that. Even when it's hard to.

Troy is just now getting over his illness and it looks as though we'll be riding early in the morning. I'm thankful for that because that's a specific time that we both look forward to and he's antsy to get back out there and be active. . . especially since we only have 2 weeks to go.

Now excuse me while I get ready to go for a long much needed run!

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