Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Yoga/Run Combination

Today was the first day back from about a month layoff from any kind of training outside of some occasional swimming. Today was a bit unusual. First of all, I owed my friend Scott Brickell a call back from yesterday that I needed to return. I called him, we chatted, then he convinced me to come out to his place to run instead of me running my “normal” route here at my house. Once I got there, he talked me in to doing this P90X workout that consists of a bunch of home fitness DVD workouts. I chose the yoga workout because I've always wanted to do a legit yoga workout but have never had the opportunity. Now was my chance! WOW! Out of the 1 hour and 30 minutes that it should've taken to do the entire workout, I could only do 35 minutes. It was extremely tough and intense and I loved it! I'm definitely doing it again considering it's a wonderful workout for endurance athletes. At any rate, I've found a new "thing" so I'm pumped.

I later got in a run for the first time in a while as well and it felt wonderful. I slipped into that spiritual zone again and things really seemed to level out. I can tell it's the Lord's way of communicating with me as I get older.

It's the day before Thanksgiving and I have much to be thankful for. Thank you Lord for my life - both the good and the bad, because through the bad you make it into good for your glory!

God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.

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