Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Shine From A Different Light

Tonight I spoke to a very close friend who's been following our progress on this blog for some time now. She had some very insightful things to say about what we're doing here. After much thought and contemplation, I think she has some valid points in many respects. You see, this thing has grown to be bigger than Troy or I had ever intended or anticipated. That's not to say that we have tons of viewers; we don't. But we do have more viewers and participants than just our extended family. Therefore, what my friend had to say somehow rang true after my initial offense wore off. You see, with me doing the majority of typing entries and being "on camera," I could see how that could come across a being a bit narcissistic, which is how it has come across to some people. That is certainly not mine nor Troy's intent.

This was all brought to my attention in a very positive way. Not to degrade or demean what I'm doing, but to let us know that we have built a nice platform that could be used for so much more potential. Instead of us always tracking our training program (which is all fine - especially the progress Troy's making with his weight), we could incorporate some educational aspects, some things that involved some socially conscious organizations, maybe some nutritional information, etc. Just some things that could ultimately help people instead of everything being about us! When I think about it, it IS about us and it shouldn't be. We are called to be facilitators of helps to people. We should be giving rather than taking. We could be educating rather than nebulous journaling.

How do we do all of this? I'm not real sure yet, but with Troy's keen brain and my technical abilities, I'm sure we can come up with something. If there's any ideas out there, please write to us in the comment section and let us know. We want to do some good with what we've built here and maybe help others along the way.

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