Thursday, November 13, 2008

No Training for the Weary

Today is Thursday the 13th. It should be a really good day for me since my favorite number is 13! However, it's rainy, overcast, gloomy, and that makes for kind or a blah day. I'm ending week 2 of not really being diligent in my workouts. Even though it's been nice not to have all the exertion expended, I find that I thoroughly miss the training, the responsibility that goes along with it, and of course the spiritual aspect. I need to get back out there because I feel like I'm cheating the Lord out of our "friendship" time together. I'm looking forward to after Thanksgiving moving into a regularly scheduled routine. It'll be good for me physically, stress-wise, and most importantly spiritually. I've been battling with some depression of late and I think it's attributed to the fact that I haven't been out there beating the pavement. However, I will and I'm planning on getting in some sort of workout this weekend just to keep my body used to the muscle memory.

I miss Troy and my rides. I miss our workouts. And I miss the pain that my body goes through to become better. I think of that as a metaphor to what the Lord is allowing me to go through currently. I'm enduring a lot of pain to be stronger in the end and that's what He's shown me throughout this triathlon journey.

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