Sunday, February 1, 2009

Easy Like Sunday

Today's weather was unbelievably great compared to recent days past! I went for a 40 minute easy run and today was the first day I've been able to actually wear shorts since I can't remember.

It's Super Bowl Sunday. A day for tons of eating (which Americans seemingly do so well on any occasion) and fellowship with friends and family. I, however, will be spending the day alone watching the game by myself and not over indulging in junk food. I don't say that for any sympathy but because I'm actually looking forward to it. It'll be quiet and I'll be able to concentrate on what's happening in the game. Should be fun and relaxing.

Today the girls and I slept in on Super Bowl Sunday because we all had a good time staying up last night and watching movies until wee hours of the morning. We woke up and I made sure that we all huddled around the computer and watched the service streamed live from Grace Chapel. Steve Berger's message was, once again, on point and convicting for me personally as he talked about pride before a fall and restoration in the love of Christ. I can certainly identify, and it was nice to be able to sit and watch the sermon with the girls as they soak it in and then we be able to discuss it. These are always times that I cherish and I love seeing how they take in what's being said. Discussions always prove to be interesting and insightful, and I'm always amazed at how smart they've become. I thank the Lord for them daily.

The thing that stuck out to me from this morning's sermon was the question:

"What have you done with the grace and blessings that God has given you? Are you humble? Have you glorified God or glorified self?"

In my constant effort to pray and expect God to do big things with me and through me, these are questions that I want to keep constantly in the forefront of my mind. I want to be a vessel for Christ and use my blessings and gifts for His kingdom and not myself. I've done too much of that already!

What big things are you believing and praying for?

Go Cardinals!

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