Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Bit Too Cold

Since I'm currently "car-less," last night I decided to wake up and put on my running gear and get a run in before I watched and listened to the service via online. So, I woke up and donned the running gear and set out in the cold weather. It was tough to say the least but at least it was sunny and clear. I ended up running just short of 25 minutes but it was a relatively intense run. The first couple of miles were right around a 7:30 mile but substantially slowed due to some calf fatigue and some brisk walking mixed in. I guess I just wasn't "feeling it" today. At any rate, I was glad that I at least got out there and did it. I would've loved to have mixed in a bike ride additionally, but the cold was just too unbearable. Those days are right around the corner I'm sure.

During my run, I had a great alone time with my thoughts, with the Lord, and to just clear my head. These time are precious to me. Then after getting back from the run, I turned on my computer to tune into my church service in which our pastor Steve was speaking on the book of Job and the beauty in suffering. This message was geared directly at me! It was so convicting and encouraging at the same time. The main thing (for me) that I got out of it was; God loves me so much that He will allow me to suffer in some of my humanity in order to draw me closer to Him. There have been days where I've asked Him to turn His back on me and leave me alone, but God has been merciful and has seen my heart and through my suffering in this life has indeed continued to draw me closer to Him through allowing me to see just how gross I am in my humanity. The older I get, the more I want to be like Christ and leave a Godly legacy. Everything else will pass away and doesn't matter. Through my adversity and challenges in life, I want the Lord to use this to help others to draw people to Him. It's just that simple.

Thank you Lord for the blessing of suffering in You. Like Job, I know this is temporary and you are growing me to be closer to you for a greater purpose. Thank you for loving me that much. Thank you for my family and friends in which you speak to me through. I know you're real and I love you with my life. Thank you for drawing me closer to You. Amen.

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