Thursday, May 29, 2008

Troy the Roman Soldier

Today called for 30 minutes of swimming and 20 minutes of running. With me having to wake up at 5:30 to get my daughter to swim practice, it was no big deal to meet Troy at 7:00 am for a morning workout swim. We swam laps for 15 minutes then did fin drills for the remaining 15. After the swim, I went home to eat breakfast and ended up falling asleep for about an hour. Troy however, was a beast! He rested for approximately 20 minutes then immediately went out on his run! He was really feeling himself today! He's really making this a priority and it's fun to watch him get upset when he can't seem to get out to train or something gets in the way. It's funny.

Today was a good day of training, but it was bit tough due to the heat. I'm starting to find that I'm wanting to train more and devote more time to it, but can't due to my schedule. I'd love to be able to do what the pros do by training everyday and that's literally their job. Wishful thinking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, and this "Roman soldier" is pushing his way through work with visions of couch time dancing in his head. Let Troy be on record as saying that I'm excited about the rest day. I've FULLY enjoyed myself to this point in the training and I can't wait to see how much I can improve.