Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A Heavy Run Week!

Yesterday was Memorial Day. A day in which we relax and remember those who have stood, and are standing, up for the freedoms of our country. Our training schedule dictated that we do some strength training as we do every Monday. However, with Troy spending time with family and me doing some house chores, the both of us decided to get in our strength training at home and work on some core strengthening. I did 6 sets of 15 push ups on the Perfect Pushup machine and also did 6 sets of ab workouts. It's not exactly the same as going to the gym and pushing weight, but I can tell it certainly helped because I felt it this morning.

Today, I got up early and ran my allotted 35 minutes like it says to do on our training schedule. After a good amount of rest for my legs, ample stretching over the weekend, and taking care of the nagging back pain, I ran the whole way without stopping (click here for the route). That, for me, is a big deal. That's the first time I've run almost 4 solid miles without stopping in under 35 minutes. That doesn't sound like much, but that's a big deal for a 6'4" 195 pound guy like me. I can tell I'm getting better and my body is adjusting to the rigors of endurance training. It amazes me what the body can do when tested.

So far, I haven't had any knee or hip problems or pain. I'm trying to be very conscious of taking care of them by running properly. However, this week will be a heavy run week and we'll see how I do by week's end.

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