Saturday, May 24, 2008

The First One

This morning, I did my obligatory 35 minute run just like it said on my training schedule. I wasn't looking forward to it, but I'm currently trying to train my brain to enjoy the running discipline of triathlon. It's hard for me to convert. However, this morning was a pretty decent run for me in that I ran for a solid 25 minutes straight without taking a rest. That's the farthest I've been thus far. I then walked for 2 minutes and ran the rest of the way until time was up. That was the up side. The down side however, is I currently have my first nagging injury from playing basketball in my back yard with my daughter and her boyfriend. It's certainly not a serious injury, but it's enough to make things uncomfortable and a bit stiff at the beginning of a run or a ride. I'm sure it's nothing that some stretching, aspirin, and some time won't heal. I just hate it because I'd love to go through this process completely injury free, but I guess that's not reality.

Troy too has a nagging knee injury that is essentially due to continuous use and having to bear the weight that he's loading around on those knees. So in order to keep him from further injury, I stress to him to listen to what his body is telling him and to lay off of running until Tuesday. Today, I'm making him bike for an hour in which I'm sure I'll ride with him. I'm proud of him telling me all of this stuff in order for us to keep each other on track. I find that my accountability to him keeps me just as in line as his does to me.

I'm still loving the cross-training aspect of the training. It's something different every day.

At 7:30, Troy called and decided he wanted to take a 30-40 minute ride since he couldn't run. It was the first opportunity that he's had to break away and get his workout in. We went on a nice and relatively intense ride around Franklin with an average ride speed of just over 17.0 mph.

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