Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Picking Back Up

In the past, I've done some intensive blogging about a bunch of different things. Mostly as an outlet to get what was inside out. Lately, through the events that have caused a significant life change and re-focus on my personal and professional life, I've been compelled to pick it back up. Through the inspiration of some friends and co-workers (Daniel White), and with working more in the athletics and fitness side of my job, I'm thinking of jumping back in to the blogging foray. Mainly as a documentation to be able to refer back to when I'm helping other people with their training and/or nutrition.

Pretty soon, I'll be transitioning locations and ramping up my work with FH World Sports in working with athletes that compete in races for worthy causes. These are both pro athletes and regular weekend warriors that have a heart to help the poor and impoverished through raising funds for a multitude of different causes. This is some wonderful and tangibly rewarding work that I'm passionate about spreading to a wider audience.

If you're interested in tips for training, training programs, nutrition advice, competing in a race and raising money for a cause, advice on gear, etc., contact me here. I would love to help AND help people in need in other parts of the world at the same time. Let's make a small difference to make a big impact.


mo said...

Todd - just saw the link to your blog on Twitter. Love what you're doing here and curious about your new business. I have recently changed my diet and have been blown away by what better nutrition is doing for me. I have not started to train for anything yet, but have goals in my future of sporting events I would like to do. I look forward to hearing more about the events you'll be working with.
Maureen "mo" Shields

DanielCWhite.com said...

Bro, you have SO much to say and so much of it comes in your actions. Thanks so much for the training plan you've put me on, but most of all your encouragement and belief in me as a triathlete. There are so many others out there that need what you have to give, that will only make them better at life and their sport.

You're an inspiration my friend!

DanielCWhite.com said...

Bro, you have SO much to say and so much of it comes in your actions. Thanks so much for the training plan you've put me on, but most of all your encouragement and belief in me as a triathlete. There are so many others out there that need what you have to give, that will only make them better at life and their sport.

You're an inspiration my friend!

TC said...


Great hearing from you! Good to hear that the nutrition aspect of every day life is taking hold and beneficial. Let me know how I can help. Ask me anything! If I don't know, I'll tell you and I'll try and find out. However, I've been thrust into this whole thing and I've come out the other end much more educated than I ever thought. It's a chosen and healthy lifestyle and I'm a much better person for it.

Holler at me at: toddvcollins@gmail.com. I'd love to help in any way I can. Again, great hearing from you. Let's reconnect soon!
