Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Being Thankful

This morning, my bible study challenged me to think of some every day small things that I may take for granted but that I should be thankful for. It caused me to think and examine my life and current circumstances.

After living in Tennessee for over 21 years, I finally packed up my stuff and moved back to Florida where I grew up. I left behind memories, hurts, mistakes, friends, family, and even my daughters who are now grown-ups and in the working/academic world. This was one of the toughest decisions that I've ever had to make, yet I've never been more sure of a life decision in my life. I can't describe the feeling of "just knowing" it was the right thing to do. I believe that God truly laid it on my heart and has guided my steps in this direction for a serious purpose. For that, I'm thankful.

That brings me back to the initial question of; what are the small things that I need to be thankful for? First and foremost, I'm thankful for my life and my health. I'm greatly thankful for my wonderful children that I don't get to see enough of. And I'm immensely thankful for the amazing woman in my life that has caused me to see things, life, and myself so drastically different.

God has a continued plan for my life and I know that I'm a continuous work in progress for Him. Life has new meaning and purpose and for all of this, I'm thankful.

1 comment:

Jonathan Harms said...

I can relate. And of course I continue to cheer you on. When I left TN for home, I felt that it wasn't my choice, but God's. It happened so quick that TroyBoy even gave me a call a little after the move with some tasks. In the end, it is only for attending to the Father's business.