Friday, May 20, 2011

Graduation Day

Today is a bitter/sweet day for me. Today I travel down to Montgomery, AL to attend the high school graduation of my twins Shelby and Taylor. I'm excited for them. They are about to embark on another journey that will take them into their adult life and career. I'm also excited that they will be living with me over the summer, and that's something that I've been wanting and praying for since 2008 when I was divorced. It was their decision to want to live with their Dad and that makes it even that much sweeter! I can't wait!

I'm also a bit sad because in this monumental time, I can't help but reflect back on what my "babies" have meant to me, what I've partially put them through, how they've endured, and where they are now. I think to myself (like every parent), "where did the time go?" They're all grown up and they aren't the little premature twins that I could literally hold in the palms of my hands anymore. They are beautiful, smart, responsible, charming young women. I certainly don't feel responsible for that in them and I can only praise the Lord above that He has given me such a wonderful and special gift.

Today is a day of celebration, joy, and anticipation for what's ahead. The past is behind me. Past mistakes can't be undone. I can only learn from what I've done and continue to teach my girls the lessons that I've learned the hard way in hopes to protect them from the perils I've endured.

Thank you God for such a joy that you've given me in Shelby and Taylor. I am not worthy of such a beautiful gift!

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