Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Knowing the Heart

It amazes me how, when you live righteously and upright, God will bless that. He promises that in His word. I guess I've never truly grasped that concept in my heart. I've always heard it and had the head knowledge, but it's never really taken hold in my heart. . . until now, that is.

You see, in the past, I've done my fair share of deceiving, running, hiding, etc. I don't really know why. I was certainly not brought up that way and I don't have those core values. However, that's how I was during a critical period in my life. Critical for my children, that is. The beautiful thing about our Lord and Savior is that He forgives unconditionally if asked. There's never an alloted amount and you can never run out of times that He'll forgive. Nothing we can do can separate us from His love and forgiveness. That's a wonderful feeling when you truly know that in your heart. I've been on a long, arduous, and painful journey to get the this point of truly knowing, but I just know. How do I know? I can't explain it other than it's deep in my heart and soul. I know that He is watching over me. I know that He cares for me. I know that He will provide for me. And I know that He'll never leave me.

Lately, God has been truly blessing me in very small ways by answering subtle prayers that I've been praying for for quite a while. I've been diligent in trying to wait on His timing and He has begun to bless me for that. I know that the Lord is about to open the floodgates of blessing for me personally. I know He's about to use me as a tool for His glory in a mighty way and I'm ready, willing, and excited.

He's blessed me already in so many different ways and for that, I'm thankful.

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